Devil's Calc
A new Math Game
Fake News Game @E3
NY Shelter Pets
Twitter Bot for Rescue Animals
non-profit safety app
SMS Tactics
an experimental new game
A free, open-source new word game about communication and manipulation. It runs silently in the background while the actual game is played simply by texting back and forth with your friends.
Word Unknown
an open-source word game
Free and open-source, Word Unknown is an elegant mixture of hangman and mastermind. It is available on the app store or in webkit enabled browsers - click to play now!
Iconic Passwords
a free new password site/app!
Your passwords will be easier to remember, harder to hack, and easy to type!
The Birds Upstairs
animated short film
TV distribution for The Birds Upstairs recently expired allowing me to share it online!
an experimental website
My first foray into programming and final project for Harvard CS50x
a free music notation font
award winning photography

Lexical WordMap
Extensive Relational Database
Relational Database developed for Synonymy, used for Lexical research for word relatedness around the world
Photo Gallery
press & personal photos

Bresson & Adeline
short film
A photography short film that was a project during my early years at NYU
Collected Writing
iBook available now